Protecting Individuals with Dementia from Financial Abuse

perth dementia lawyer

Dementia can have a significant impact on financial decision making, including:

- Struggling to understand financial concepts
- Difficulty remembering important financial information
- Inability to manage money effectively

These challenges can lead to financial abuse and exploitation, as well as financial instability for the individual and their family.

To protect individuals with dementia, the Guardianship and Administration Act 1990 (WA) offers administration orders. These orders appoint a guardian or administrator to manage the financial affairs of an individual with dementia and provide necessary support and oversight.

It is important to note that administration orders should be considered as a last resort, as they do limit an individual's autonomy and decision-making capacity. However, in cases where an individual with dementia is at risk of financial abuse or is unable to manage their own finances, an administration order can provide much-needed protection and support.

As a specialist in guardianship and administration in the State Administrative Tribunal of Western Australia, I have acted in 30 different cases related to this area of law in 2022 (and counting).

With an ageing population, families may become more aware of the financial exploitation risks associated with dementia during times like the Christmas season.

If you or a loved one are dealing with dementia and financial decision making, I am here to help. I offer a comprehensive service and deeply care about the needs of my clients when they apply for guardianship and administration orders over family members. Do not hesitate to reach out for assistance.